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Paul Koziol

***We apologize, Paul was called out of town on short notice and will be unable to speak at this year's Aviation Safety Day.  We will do all that we can to fill the vacancy in his time slots.  Thank you for your understanding.*** 

Paul never really knew that he could learn to fly until his wife took him to Oshkosh in 1993. It was there that he was introduced to the exciting world of aviation. He began taking lessons, worked as a ramper and fueler at Wisconsin Aviation in Madison Wisconsin so that he could get a discount on flying lessons.


Today Paul works at Expressjet Airlines. He is a Captain in the EMB145, Check Airman, CRM Facilitator and the Human Factors ERC Company Representative.  He has been with ExpressJet for 17 Years.


Paul also is the Founder of Discover Aviation Center, a nonprofit company that introduces area residents to aviation through events, airshows and outreach. Discover Aviation Center has the only flying club with a Safety Management System in the country.


Paul’s life was changed by aviation and all it took was someone to show him the way.


Topic:  "What General Aviation can learn from the airlines."


This talk will discuss Safety Management Systems, Aviation Safety Action Programs (ASAP), and Threat and Error Management (TEM) focusing on how they can be incorporated into General Aviation and improve GA Safety.  Paul brings his experience as an Airline Captain, Check Airman, CRM facilitator, and EAA Chapter President.  As a former disc jockey, Paul is a very energetic and motivating speaker with a passion for aviaiton safety!



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