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John Dye

Captain-United Airlines (30 years)

Owner: Bad Attitude-Aviator Training Company


Master Aerobatic Instructor (X4)

CFIAI, MEI, ATP, Flight Engineer-Turbojet

Designated Pilot Examiner: CLE-025


37 years teaching experience

26,000+ hours in over 50 different aircraft


Type rated: B727, B737, B757, B767, A319, A320, BA-3100

Aircraft owner: Pitts S1-T, 8KCAB Super Decathlon


Upset Training provider-Eclipse Jet

Upset Training provider-Kent State University


Kent State University Graduate, 1979  B.S. Aerospace Technology

Distinguished Alumni Award-Vision 21- Kent State University 2004


FAA Upset Recovery seminar presenter- Oshkosh EAA Air Venture 2013, 14, 15, 16.


Topic: "Stall/Spin Awarenes & Recovery"


Learn from master flight instructors about the scenarios that lead to stalls and spins.  Learn how to avoid these situations and to properly recover if you find yourself in an inadvertant stall or spin.  The goal is "to make you the safest and most proficient pilot you can be."


Topic: "Upset Recovery Training"


Finding yourself in an unusual attitude due to wake turbulence, adverse weather, or spatial disorientation, learn how to properly exit these conditions safely.  This is great information overall and is a must for professional aviators! 






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